Friday, June 2, 2017

High Five for Friday (6.2.17)

It worked out well that I didn't plan for or write a regular "High Five for Friday" post last week, because while we had a few highlights, the week was also one of the most difficult I've had as a parent in quite a while. I won't go into detail here because I'm feeling the "high five" vibe today, but to say that I felt happy when that week came to an end would be an understatement.

I didn't want to skip over the highlights of the above-mentioned and otherwise rough week, so I've condensed them into #1 of this week's High Five list.

1a. My kiddos had a blast - as they always do - at their elementary school's Field Day. Their favorite events included the 50 yard dash (Will), Tug of War (Hallie), and pretty much anything that involved water, since the temperatures climbed into the 90s that day.

1b. These sweet girls wrapped up their first - and the inaugural - year of Mini Company with a beautiful last performance and what they all deemed "the best Mini Company party EVER!"

1c. When I found myself dealing with a tremendously difficult parenting (and just general life) situation, my husband and friends stepped in both to help me bear the weight and to lift my spirits. I don't know how I would have gotten through that day (and the following week) without them.

1d. Will and Hallie crushed their end-of-the-year awards ceremonies, and as Will's recognition wrapped up, he and his fellow fourth graders were inducted - the first class ever - into the Rock Prairie Elementary Alumni Association. I of course felt proud of and happy for my boy, but I couldn't help but lean over and whisper in my friend's ear, "so does this mean Rock Prairie will start asking them for money next semester?"

2. We celebrated the end of the school year and the beginning of summer with our annual Happy Summer party: summer fun baskets followed by treats (details on the watermelon cupcakes I made will be in Monday's post) and swimming for the first time this season. I love this tradition!

3. Last Friday afternoon my mom, sister, niece, and nephew rolled into College Station after driving all the way from Wisconsin and Illinois. The joined us for our weekend of dance recitals, and for lots of fun in and around College Station for a few days afterwards.
(Lily always wears one of Hallie's previously
worn dance costumes to Hallie's recitals.)

4. Speaking of a weekend of dance recitals, we made it! Don't tell anyone, but the longer Hallie dances, the more I enjoy dance mom-ing...
I can't believe this year is over...
5. Happiness Highlights:
Post-swimming pre-ballet milkshakes from Sonic for these three!
Watching our friend Jax perform
in his spring drama production.
If you look closely you can see that the tip of her ponytail is green...
After her first swim the bottom two inches of her entire head of hair turned
green, but I managed to save everything except that little tip. Whew! 
We ran into "Waco's most eligible bachelor"
(from the first season of Fixer Upper) at the Silos.
Are you watching America's Got Talent?! Holy cow, these
kids are talented! Will, Hallie, and I are loving it this summer!

Happy Friday, Chasing Roots!

Linking up with High Five for Friday here:

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