Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Hallelujah - School's Out for Summer

A (small) part of me is glad this school year has come to an end. It was, for the most part, a good year, but the past few weeks have felt like (what I imagine) the last mile of a marathon feels like: borderline impossible. 

The kids need a break. I need a break. And we all need to celebrate, even if it's just our traditional last-day-of-school "surprise": summer baskets and cookie cake. (Will and Hallie are of course not at all surprised anymore, but I love this tradition and I'm keeping it alive, surprise or not.) Hallie and I will also grab Starbucks with friends after getting out of school early on the last day, because apparently during COVID we started this tradition and according to the girls it must continue until high school graduation.

We have quite a few things on the calendar for the summer: two weddings; two college visits (hold me); short field trips to Washington, IL, St. Louis, MO, and possibly Ann Arbor, MI; longer visits to see our families and friends in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois; high school workouts and club soccer practices and tournaments for Will; ballet intensives and dance classes for Hallie; working as a futsal referee for Will; and working as a dance assistant and volunteering for VBS for Hallie. We're also trying to build in plenty of run-of-the-mill summer activities, like sleeping in, night walks (a favorite of mine and Hallie's), ice cream for dinner, swimming, water balloon fights, movie marathons, reading books, and lots of time with friends.

We'll have a few rules and responsibilities, but we won't have bucket lists or activity calendars or school fun guides or chore charts or job jars. We've been there, done (all of) that, but with each passing year this organization and these "systems" have slowly faded into the background...which makes sense given my kids' ages. I still like to document our summers though, so a couple of years ago I started using an approach borrowed from Emily Ley (the founder of the Emily Ley Simplified Planner and the Simplified brand): a summer memory list.

"Do the fun thing. Write the fun thing down. Pressure off."

I hope your summer is full of fun things.


This kid just wrapped up 10th grade. It's truly mind-boggling to think he's halfway done with high school and only has two years left before going away to college...

End of Kinder

End of 1st Grade

End of 2nd Grade

End of 3rd Grade

End of 4th Grade

End of 5th Grade

End of 6th Grade

End of 7th Grade

End of 8th Grade

End of 9th Grade

End of 10th Grade

He only agreed to be photographed if he could hold Plié. Scroll to the end of this post to see how they both really felt about our photoshoot... 


And this (once) pipsqueak is somehow off to high school herself.

End of Kinder

End of 1st Grade

End of 2nd Grade

End of 3rd Grade

End of 4th Grade

End of 5th Grade

End of 6th Grade

End of 7th Grade.

End of 8th Grade

It goes SO fast...


Note #1: I say this every year, and I'll say it again - I should have started with a bigger or less fitted cut of shirt for my girl...not sure why I went with the baby tee. 😂

Note #2: I'm not sure what it is about putting on this teeny tiny shirt - it makes her want to do tricks. So here are those she wanted me to save for posterity. 

Note #3: These two don't love doing tricks. I feel like they're both looking at me with disdain...

Friday, May 26, 2023

High Five for Friday (5.26.23)


Anyone else drowning in May...ness? Sometimes I think May is worse - schedule-wise - than December. Just one more weekend of complete crazy though, and then we can settle into our slightly more relaxed summer schedule!


Hallie spent two of her last days of school on field trips: NJHS to the movies, a picnic lunch, and ice skating* and 8th grade to Grand Station for bowling, miniature golf, laser tag, and arcade games. Both were fun ways to celebrate the end of middle school!

* I picked up Hallie early from this field trip...with recital this weekend, there was no way she was going ice skating. This was her decision - she preferred to go back to school rather than risk a fall that could result in an injury.


Apparently bucket hats are making a comeback these days. Will is VERY into wearing his...I wonder if he'll feel the same way once he sees this picture? 

Circa 1996 or 1997: that's me on the right, and
my sister is in the purple shirt with the black hat. 


Shockingly, these babies are still available for adoption! They are DELIGHTFUL and would make wonderful additions to any family. Let me know if you'd like to meet them!


Paquita is this weekend! If you live anywhere near BCS and enjoy ballet, I encourage you to come see this beautiful show. 

Paquita would be a great "first ballet" for new or young ballerinas - the caliber of the production is high, but the show is abbreviated making it perfect for shorter attention spans. (i.e. Will's) Tickets are available here.


School's out for summer! (As of 12:20pm today, that is.)

First day of 8th and 10th grade...looking forward to
comparing it to the photo I'll take of them later today. 

Happy weekend, friends!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Cat Whisperer

I go for a walk outside almost every day, and while I'm walking, I like to keep walking. I'm not much for slowing down or stopping (because doing so makes it that much harder to start again), and I do so only for things like taking a rock out of my shoe, running into a friend, or - most importantly - petting a cat.

I have a series of steps I take when approaching a cat (assuming it's behaving in a civilized and socialized manner) to determine if said cat would like a little affection from me. I speak to the cat in my "cat voice," walk slowly and smoothly toward the cat, squat down to make myself smaller and less intimidating, and reach one of my hands out toward the cat. This process works and the cat approaches me about 75% of the time; when it does, the cat gets to enjoy a few pets - and I get to feel good about coming across as trustworthy to the cat - before I continue on. 

On one particular walk down a familiar street, I encountered an unfamiliar cat. He (I'm just assuming gender - he seemed like a boy to me) emerged from the backyard of a house that had recently sold, so I assumed he was new to the neighborhood. I started my series of steps - saying hello to him in my cat voice - and he immediately trotted toward me. And then, before I could walk slowly and smoothly, squat down to make myself smaller and less intimidating, or reach a hand out, he LEPT off the ground, into the air, and onto my shoulder. He was SO thrilled to be there, and spent the next two minutes loving on me while I took pictures and tried to explain to my mom - with whom I was on the phone - what was happening. 

As I mentioned above, I'd never seen this cat before, and interestingly, I haven't seen him since. (I suspect he's actually an indoor cat and he had gotten outside without his people knowing.) But he made my day that morning - I like to believe he knew I was an animal lover, and that I had love to give.

Friday, May 19, 2023

High Five for Friday (5.19.23)



Will was invited to spend his junior year playing soccer - while attending a soccer-focused high school - in Italy. He's not going (he doesn't feel ready for that significant of a leap, nor do I feel ready to send him overseas for nine months), but he put it best when he breathed a sign of (what seemed to me to be) relief and declared that, "it feels really good to be asked."


We survived the epic Saturday that is (studio) dress rehearsal! I dropped Hallie off at 8am, ran home for a quick walk (in the pouring rain), a shower, and to check on the kittens, and then returned at 9:45am to the theater...where we stayed until almost 9pm. It was a LONG day, but we had fun and the dancers are all but ready for their recital in a couple of weeks! 

(That's Hallie up in the air.)

We also survived our Paquita dress rehearsal, which took place on Tuesday evening. This production is going to be lovely - if you live in BCS and are at all interested in ballet, I highly encourage you to attend. This would also be a great show for young ballerinas, as it is a shortened version of the full ballet. Let me know if you'd like more information!


After spending all of Saturday dress rehearsaling (Tom and Will spent their Saturday working at home and working at the soccer fields respectively), Sunday felt pretty chill. It rained for half of the day, which allowed me to feel much better about taking my sweet time to get up and moving. And even though I still had multiple loads of laundry, a moderate amount of housework, and a few "administrative tasks" to tackle, the day felt leisurely comparatively.

I'm not much for making Mother's Day a big deal. All I really want is for someone to go get me donuts or kolaches ✔, to have help getting the house in order for the upcoming week (since Sunday is our family's day for "jobs," as the kids call them) ✔, and to not make dinner ✔.



On Monday evening we attended Hallie's last choir concert of the year, and then later that night we celebrated her success with a (school Spirit Night) takeout meal from Harvey Washbangers. (Takeout was required because she - of course - had dance both before and after the concert.) She's ready to say goodbye to middle school choir and skeptical about what high school choir, but I have high hopes she'll find her people and (renewed) joy in singing next year.


These sweet babes are soon-to-be posted for adoption! As soon as I have their official bios I'll share them here; in the meantime, let me know if you'd like to come meet Milton, Wooloomooloo, and Kirawee. They are the cutest (Will has declared them the most adorable litter we've ever had) and sweetest babes around, and we'd love to introduce you!

Happy weekend, friends!