After illness kept him sidelined for nearly a week, Will woke up last Thursday morning fever-free and decided he could at least try to run in that morning's track meet. He hadn't even left the house, let alone gone for a run or done any kind of exercise, in four days, so his fifth place finish (out of about 12 runners) in the 1,500 meters made him feel pretty darn good about himself. Will didn't place nearly as well in his other events, but I couldn't have cared less; to see him find the strength and determination to compete at all left me filled with pride.
He was happier than he looks. |
High jump...unfortunately not his event. |
Side story... Because of the breakdown of ages and age groups, in order to run the 4 x 100 meter relay with kids on his track camp team, Will had to "run up" in the U14 division. Picture him - my smaller than average 11-year-old - taking his spot on the track, preparing to run the anchor leg for his team. Surrounding him are four post-pubescent teenagers, all of whom have clearly sprinted competitively for years and surpass him by at least eight inches and 50 pounds. He sees me off to the side of the track, waiting to cheer for him, and shows me both a huge grin and a thumbs up. He's not scared or intimidated, or if he is, I can't see signs of either. He's just excited to run, to compete, to be a part of such a cool event.
Fast forward 20 seconds...
The 14-year-olds CRUSH Will. But he keeps his head held high after he crosses the finish line in last place, and shows me another big smile to match mine.
Hallie LOVED her second year of Vacation Bible School. The church's VBS team does an incredible job of coordinating a fun, engaging, educational, and inspirational week for their 450 attendees, and I couldn't possibly feel any better about the experience Hallie had there.
"Look like you're shipwrecked!" Hallie's face when considering this predicament is my absolute favorite. |
I finally remembered to take the kids' end-of-the-school-year photos in their graduation shirts!
With this photo shoot came the realization that 1) next year Will will have to wear bottoms of some kind with his shirt, and 2) I probably should have bought Hallie a bigger shirt when I started this tradition years ago.
We missed Will, but Hallie and I had a wonderful week. We went swimming with friends multiple times, read books (we finished Wonder and started The Hundred Dresses), watched movies (Wonder and The Parent Trap), visited the library, shopped at Hobby Lobby for craft project materials and then completed the craft projects, tended our potted herbs, explored a local outdoor market, and went out for tea and pastries. Hallie also had a sleepover and a playdate, and we took another friend of hers out for ice cream to celebrate her July birthday that Hallie will miss. A lovely blend of activity and downtime, with a few treats thrown in!
One of my three craft projects. |
One of Hallie's craft projects. |
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Growth has begun! |
The market was a little sparser at this time of year than it was the last time we visited, but we still had fun and came home with two delicious salsas and a loaf of Great Harvest Bread. |
Tux rarely snuggles with us, so the fact that he joined us on the couch on Wednesday morning seems to indicate his misses Will tremendously. |
Ice cream birthday fun! |
Nothing better than summer night swimming and ice cream treats - in the pool - with friends! |
Will comes home today! Hallie and I will hit the road this morning, and we'll arrive in Austin around lunchtime to see Will's end-of-camp program/ceremony and then pick him up. I can't wait to wrap my arms around my big kiddo!
Happy Friday, Chasing Roots!
Linking up with High Five for Friday here: