In some regards, 2016 knocked me/us down a few notches. We had to
put our cat, Clementine, to sleep. Will's best friend moved away. Will broke his wrist, and both Hallie and I dealt with minor-to-moderate health and wellness issues. We discovered a massive leak behind our refrigerator and fixing it required mold removal, drywall repair, painting, and replacing the floors in our office...twice. Our refrigerator still doesn't work quite right, and because we had to spend quite a bit on the repairs, we had to put much-needed bathroom upgrades on hold. Oh, and
Tom and Will played a traumatizing April Fools Day joke on me and Hallie and
a lizard fell from the sky and landed on my shoulder.
But...2016 also brought many incredible experiences and beautiful moments worth high-fiving about. The kids had great years academically, socially, and extracurricularly. Of note for Will: his third place finish in 3rd grade UIL Ready Writing competition, his third place finish in the citywide 3rd and 4th grade chess tournament, and his selection as a member of the Texans Soccer Club's Aggieland 06 team. Of note for Hallie: her acceptance into the Suzanne's School of Dance Mini Company and her role - as a cherub angel - in Ballet Brazos' production of the Nutcracker. They took swimming lessons and went to summer camps, and we celebrated nearly every holiday (and quite a few non-holidays) with friends. Both Tom and I had solid years professionally, and we enjoyed lots of playtime - we participated in the 50 Men Who Can Cook fundraiser, set a new escape room record, played lots of disc golf (the boys), and went to movies, painted canvases, and laughed over glasses of wine (the girls) - with our grown-up friends as well. We took a vacation to Disneyland in May and spent all of July visiting family and enjoying summer in Wisconsin and Illinois, and I traveled to Chicago in the fall with my mom and sister. I/we saw the Indigo Girls, the Dixie Chicks, and Pentatonix in concert, and enjoyed both the Illusionists and the Nutcracker (twice) on stage in College Station. We watched nearly every minute of the Olympics and absolutely every minute of Fuller House. We made over our playroom into a famusic (family/music) room and put in a Little Free Library, and College Station started single stream recycling. Focus on the positive, right?
UIL Competition |
Chess tournament |
Soccer |
Mini Company |
Angels and Clara |
Swimming lessons |
Track camp |
Summer fun |
50 Men Who Can Cook |
Escape Room champions |
Disc golf boys/men of summer |
Painting |
Disneyland |
Wisconsin |
Indigo Girls |
Dixie Chicks |
Famusic room |
Little Free Library |
Happy Friday, Chasing Roots!
Linking up with High Five for Friday here:
Sounds like a great year overall! Hoping your 2017 has fewer downs than 2016. You have a beautiful family Happy New Year!