There are many heroes in my eyes, but the best one is my mom.
One reason is she encourages me in everything I do and is very enthusiastic. She always goes to my soccer games and has great words of advice. Whenever I mess up or do something wrong, it's like it never happens with my mom, stepping in and helping me just like a hero. She is always there when I need her and just pushes me in the right direction. If I'm having a bad day, she'd walk in, help me, and walk out just the same.
Next, she's funny and is always happy. When we have dinner every night, she'll throw in a hilarious joke that leaves all of my family in tears. She always makes me feel all happy inside and really joyful because her attitude is contagious.
Finally, my hero is very gracious and helps other people and my school, Rock Prairie. She always helps with our school fundraisers and is helping my school grow. Last week, my mom made cookies for the police and local fire department.
Now can you see why my mom's a hero in my eyes? I hope you can because she stands out like a spotlight to me.
~ Will Ferris
Moms. If you're anything like me, you feel like you only "get it right" as a parent about 50% of the time. I strive to be the mother my kids deserve, but most days I come up at least a little short.
But Moms. Did you read what Will wrote? If you delve deeply enough, (I think) two primary and overarching points begin to take shape. First, we don't have to be perfect to be good. Will has heard me raise my voice and seen me lose my temper and watched as I crumbled under the pressure of parenthood, but he nevertheless thinks (or at least thought on the day he penned this essay) that I have done a decent job mothering him.
Second, what makes us good is the fact that we show up. Will cares that I show up for soccer and his other extracurricular activities; that I'm there for him when he needs support and guidance. Will cares that I show up for dinner and create opportunities for our family to be together; that I'm there for him when he needs to refuel and to lighten his load. And Will cares that I show up for the other important people in his life, from those who he cares about at school to those he relies on in our community.
Will is telling me - and I think all the moms out there, as he knows I'm sharing this essay - that we just need to keep showing up.
Happy Mother's Day to my mom, who ALWAYS showed up for me and my sister and who now continues to show up for our kids. To my mother-in-law, who ALWAYS showed up for all four of her children and who now continues to show up for her three grandchildren. To my sister, my sister-in-law, my friends, and all the moms who are out there showing up in whatever way works best for their children and families even when it's hard.
You Rock.
Content Note: I have in the past made cookies for the police and fire departments, however the last time I did so was more than a year ago. Maybe time works differently in a 10-year-old little boy's brain?
Scheduling Note: For those of you who read Chasing Roots regularly, this week this Sunday post will take the place of my usual Monday post. See you on Wednesday!
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