Monday, January 28, 2013

Hair by Hallie, Part 2

This second installment of "Hair by Hallie" (in the time since the first post ran I've decided that a more appropriate title for this series might have been "Hairstyles Hallie Demands from her Mother") may also be the last; sadly, both Hallie and I seem to have run out of new hairstyles to try on her fuzzy little head.  Ideas?  Links?  Please share!

Note: If Hallie and I come up with any additional new hairstyles and then take photos of these hairstyles for the blog, I promise to move her to a better lit and tidier location.  I have to assume you're really tired of seeing Hallie's leftover breakfast and my not-yet-tidied-after-breakfast kitchen as the backdrop for her adorable little head.
Single flip
Double flip, rear view
This style looks kind of silly from the back, but as you can
see in the picture below, it looked semi-cute from the sides.
Double flip, side view
Bwaid crown, top view
Hallie's hair wasn't quite long or thick enough for this style.  There were far too
many bobby pins involved, and by the end of  the day she looked very disheveled.
Braid crown, side view
Double Fwench bwaid half-up, rear view
This was one of Hallie's favorite styles, and while I agree with her
that it looks cute, it was tougher than most to pull together.
Double Fwench bwaid half-up, side view
Double Fwench bwaid ponytail, rear view
I really liked this style, but it was also pretty challenging
and I clearly need to practice it a bit more.
Double Fwench bwaid ponytail, side view
Fishtail bwaid
One-sided Fwench braid
For a one-sided French braid you only pull hair into the braid on one side.
This works quite well on Hallie, as the hair on the sides of her head above her
ears is very thin but the hair on top of her head is thicker.
Heart bwaid (or angel crown, as Hallie called it a few minutes ago)
Hallie told me that she wanted a heart in her
hair and this is the best I could come up with.
I'll leave you with an adorable photo of my blondie with
her hair straightened.  She looks 12, doesn't she?
Scratch that.  I'm going to leave you with a couple of photos of my niece at Christmastime in Wisconsin.  This is how her daddy (my bro-in-law) styles her hair.  Poor child.

Happy hairstyling!



    I like number 7! I used to do that on other volleyball teammates hair... I completely suggest!
