Friday, April 3, 2020

Flashback Friday: The Great Photo Sort

While both of my parents are retired, neither stay at home all that much...or at least they didn't until the Great Social Distancing of 2020.

Now that they're home all day every day, they decided to tackle a project that has needed attention for most of my adult life: 45 years of photos. They've been taking photos out of old albums, gathering photos that had been pulled from albums already, tossing duplicate photos, and sorting all of the photos chronologically. (For a day or two, my dad sorted photos by person because "it's more fun that way". My mom had to put the kibosh on that illogical system.) My mom purchased new albums so that once this step of the project is complete, they can preserve the saved photos - in some semblance of order - for decades to come.

Their massive photo undertaking inspired me to pull out the actual photos I still have and sort through them. Yet to tackle - but still on my list - are my digital photos...that feels more daunting, so perhaps I'll address them later this spring.

Along the way, my mom has been taking photos of a few she thought I'd want to see and sending them my way. I decided to take photos of a few of mine as well, mostly because I wanted digital copies (and my scanner is broken) but also because I wanted to share certain ones with specific people. But now I've decided to share a selection of them here as well, because as much as I love my High Five for Friday posts, I needed a break from them this week.

So here you go - a few fun flashback photos that likely haven't made an appearance here before.
That's Tom (on the right with the long hair), in a University of
Iowa publicity photo. He's in a brochure somewhere out there!

In honor of our recent polar plunge and swimsuit
snow angel tradition
, here's my dad, snow tubing
down the snow slide we/he builds down from the
deck and across the backyard.

Baby's first bar crawl! Also the night of God's Donut...

A favorite of me, my mom, and my sister.

Throwback to our Backstreet Boys days. (To
clarify, these were costumes for a skit.)

This is how Will feels about online learning.

Prom 1997

Perhaps our best snowmen ever!
(That's me, circa 1981/82.)

Tom and...Will. I was trying to prove my
point - that little babies don't look male or female
based on features - to Tom. I think I succeeded.


I went through some rough years style- and fashion-
wise. My sister, on the other hand, was always cute.

My parents, on the steps of their/our first house. I
have and still regularly wear that shirt of my mom's.

Our wedding!

Will and Duke. They were best buddies.

The flowers and cake at my parents' wedding.

One of my favorite pictures from the first
Christmas after Tom and I were married.

He's always been this case, perhaps rightfully so.

First Christmas!

"I love you, Daddy."

"And you too, Mama."

Ah, to be young (and free to travel) again...

High school soccer spring training in Jamaica. Definitely a
highlight of my high school years and my soccer "career".

Tom climbing onto my roof at one of our college
parties. In a strange way, I feel like this photo
sums him up. 😂

Remember when my mom made matching
Nutcracker baker costumes for Hallie, Kara,
and Avery
? It wasn't the first time she's been
asked to make matching outfits for her
(grand)daughters and their friends.

Will's first french fry. Worth documenting his sweet face.

One of my favorite photos of me and my sister.

Third row for the Indigo Girls at the first Lilith Fair.

When I was a little girl I used to look
at these three pictures all the time. That's
me, taking a nap, and my sister, stealing
my cotton ball (which I rubbed my nose
with) and then my Winnie the Pooh.

I still can't believe my parents let me go on a spring break trip with
friends during our senior year of high school. Clearwater Beach 1997!

Me and my Grandma Geri.

Just about everyone who knows me, my sister, and our kids in
person has agreed that this picture of my sister and me could just as
easily be a picture of our kids, Lily and Will. Genetics are crazy...

Well now that that's done, I guess there's nothing left to do but tackle the digital photos...send help.

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