Friday, July 24, 2015

High Five for Friday (7.24.15)

1. Earlier this week my sister and niece introduced me and my kids to this One Direction song. We immediately declared it next on the "Mueller Family Band" playlist, which means Sara and I are learning the words and vocal parts while my dad, Tom, and Will study the guitar, piano, and drum parts respectively. (Though Tom would really prefer to play the song on his brand new keytar…) We think it would make a fantastic wedding postlude song - don't you agree? Anyone getting married soon?

Yes, I realize One Direction is a youthful boy band and I am almost old enough to have mothered its members. Sara told me I can like them anyway though, if for no other reason than one of them is wearing a University of Wisconsin t-shirt on the cover of their Midnight Memories album. Good enough for me!

2. Hallie and Carter may have developed a bond during Carter's sister Lily's absence, but Will and Carter remain as tight as ever. Though separated by more than six years, they are a delightfully fun-loving pair of typical boys.

Will taught Lily to sword fight three summers back. Watching Will teach Carter to sword fight "yike a ninj" (like a ninja) brought back all sorts of sweet memories.

3. Please don't hate me Texas friends, but Blue Bell ice cream just can't compete with Wisconsin's Babcock and Chocolate Shoppe ice creams. Wisconsin dairy cows make the best cream, and the best cream makes the best ice cream. And really, what other brand of ice cream can compete when the Chocolate Shoppe offers flavors like this one?

In case you can't clearly read the bottom flavor and its description…"Exhausted Parent: Bourbon-spiked espresso ice cream swirled with bittersweet chocolate chunks".

Yes, I needed it. Yes, I ate it. Yes, it was delicious. I'm on my way back for round two this afternoon.

4. Only 16 weeks and six days!

5. Happiness Highlights:
Lily, Hallie, and Grandma waiting for their Little
Amerricka (yes, that's how it's spelled) train ride. 
Sisters on the train.
Matching cuties on the merry-go-round.
Though he greatly prefers "real" roller coasters, Will passed
the time waiting for the girls by riding the "baby" roller coaster.
Thank you, Grandma, for riding with the girls. I can go up and down
on roller coasters all day long but can no longer handle spinning rides. 
After watching Will build a tower out of half and half
cups, Carter copied him and built this all by himself! 
Monster cookies for our little monsters.
She convinced Grandma to buy her a Tux lookalike.
Happy Friday, friends!

Linking up with High Five for Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for creamer towers! We do the same thing, and even branched out to jelly packs. An easy way to kill time waiting for food ;) I love all the Wisconsin love in the post! As a fellow relocated midwesterner, state pride cannot be squashed! Hope you're having a great weekend!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea
