I would usually just share a link to the post on my Friday Weekly Wrap-Up, but for a number of reasons I decided to cut-and-paste some of the information here instead. First, Father's Day is only a few days away from today. If I waited until Friday to share these gifts with you, there'd be no chance of you being able to order them for the dad(s) in your life. Second, MomsEveryday wasn't able to include the photos of the gifts and I really wanted you to be able to see what these gifts look like - some of these gifts wouldn't have grabbed my attention if I hadn't been able to see what they looked like off the bat.
So here you go - my top 10 unique gifts for the dads in your life this Father's Day!
Available on Amazon
for $16.10
Available from the
AHeirloom Shop on Etsy for $48.00
Available from
Uncommon Goods for $35.00
Available from Think
Geek for $14.99
Available from Amazon
for $15.08
Available from Amazon
for $13.34
Available from the
solidmfgco Shop on Etsy for $15.00
Available from
Uncommon Goods for $20.00 - $25.00
Available from
Uncommon Goods for $185.00
Available from the
Gentlinks Shop on Etsy for $22.50
For more detailed information on these gifts, click on the names of the gifts or visit MomsEveryday to read my summarized descriptions. Happy shopping!
What fun ideas, Erin. Yes, I agree the pics help a lot. Now have to decide what to order. Thanks!