Friday, April 19, 2024

High Five for Friday (4.19.24)



Thank you to everyone who reached out to wish Hallie a happy birthday! (Her annual birthday post and video are here.) She spent the day on a choir "field trip" to their UIL Choir Concert & Sight Reading Competition, and then she headed to dance until after 9:30pm. Thankfully, she didn't have to be at school until 12:50pm the following day, so on her birthday we all stayed up late watching a movie, opening presents, and eating tacos, chips and salsa, and cheesecake. 

I'm getting better...

She's such a good helper.

He's not. 😂

I forgot to take a pic of the cheesecake topped with its AMAZING
strawberry sauce - this addition truly took the cake to the next level.


Oh Captain, My Captain

I can't wait to see him helping lead the Lads in 2025.


This kid learned 1) that he's strong enough to punch a hole in the wall and 2) how to fix a hole in the wall. All things considered, this was a pretty funny situation, thanks in part to Tom's (very different than my) parenting style.


Happiness Highlights

I love the randomness of safety vest
night at our high school's baseball games. 

Popeye, who only ventures outside for VERY short periods of time
and with supervision (he's scared of everything but also wants to see
what the patio is all about) caught his first lizard. He wanted nothing
more in the entire world that to bring it inside the house and show it
to everyone....we let him take it onto the porch and then it magically
disappeared while he ate treats. 

That baby from The Incredibles just gets cuter every day!

Congratulations, Hallie!

This is Tom.

As is this. The eclipse wasn't the most spectacular thing
I'd ever seen (we weren't in totality), but it was still cool -
it looked and felt outside a lot like what it does before a
tornado rolls through. 

Just a quick visit with Sherry - the friendliest
neighborhood cat around - on one of my morning walks.

Bella at Uncorked knows exactly what you need, when you need it.

Caught in the act.


This isn't a high five or a happiness highlight, but I want to find a place for it this week and am therefore choosing to include it here.

Last Friday marked the two year anniversary of Hallie's friend Morgan's death. (If you weren't a follower of Chasing Roots back then, you can read the posts I wrote about Morgan here and here.) We still miss her, and our hearts still grieve her loss and break for her parents and sisters. 

On Friday morning, Hallie - despite not yet remembering what day it was - came out of her room dressed in head-to-toe blue. Blue was Morgan's favorite color and the color so many of us still associate with her, so I couldn't help but smile when I saw Hallie, thinking to myself that Morgan must have helped Hallie pick out her outfit. I opted for blue as well, doning my "when it's dark, look for stars" shirt, which I now reserve for days on which I need a reminder that even when it's dark, the "stars" - kindness and compassion and love - are still there. 


Happy weekend, friends. 

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