Friday, September 30, 2022

High Five for Friday (9.30.22)



Second fall vaccine: ✔

Recovery from this one was a little tougher... After our flu shots we had sore arms and nothing else. The day after COVID booster shots I felt completely fine, but Hallie felt a little yucky and Will felt poorly enough to stay home from school. Thankfully, everyone was back to normal the day after that! 


Will's first musical event of the year was the annual Orchestra Ice Cream Social, to which intermediate and middle school orchestras from the district were invited to enjoy ice cream treats and a short performance by the high school's Varsity Orchestra. Hallie and Tom were fans of the ice cream, and we were all excited to watch and listen to Will play the cello again!

Yes, we usually go out for a late dinner at IHOP after orchestra concerts. But Hallie's middle school was hosting at McTeacher Night that same evening, so we opted to get carryout burgers, fries, and cookies from McDonald's instead.


Speaking of McTeacher Night... I'm so happy that school spirit nights at restaurants are happening again! I love having dinner (planning and prepping) taken care of for me once or twice a month...and it's even better that we're supporting the schools with our dining dollars. 


The final training component on Will's Driver's Ed checklist: backing. We went to a nearby parking lot after his last soccer game so he could log the hour, but since there were basically no cars in the parking lot, I had to pretend to be a car that Will had to navigate around while backing into parking spots. It was a hot and rather unpleasant task, but he's now finished the checklist! 


A family we know through dance suffered a horrible loss last week. There are no absolutely high fives in situations like this one, but there are small moments...simple gestures...of kindness and support and love. And in my experience, dance moms and daughters are some of the best at uniting in the face of tragedy to support those whose hearts are hurting.

The town in which the family lives chose to wear pink in honor and memory of the sweet girl lost, so our studio's ballet students chose to wear pink scrunchies for their Friday night classes last week and their Wednesday night classes this week, as a way to show this family and dancer that they were with them in spirit and love. (The dance moms united in other, less photo-worthy ways.) Dance brings people together, in good times and in bad.

Happy Friday, friends!

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