Friday, March 11, 2022

High Five for Friday (3.11.22)


Spring Break starts today! Hallie is traveling (more on her trip in a couple of weeks), but the rest of us are staying put. I have "big" plans to catch up on sleep, deep clean a few areas of the house, make progress on two articles that are due the first week in April, and work in the yard...and I'm hoping to spend a lots of time catching up and hanging out with my boys.


Will's first high school soccer season (likely) ended last Friday night, thanks to an ankle injury that required him to be carried off of the field on a gator. The first high five here is not that he got hurt, or that his time on the field this season has come to an end, but that x-rays the following morning confirmed just a sprain and no fractures. I'm grateful we're looking at a recovery period he gets to "drive", based on his own pain, for no restrictions other than keeping his ankle braced or taped for a month whenever he does play, and that he hopefully won't miss too much of his spring club season. The second high five is that HOLY COW his high school trainers want to heal him...and fast. He's had appointments with them every morning this week for what are basically cryo and ultrasound treatments. It feels great to know they're supporting him and working incredibly hard to get him healthy and back on the field as quickly as possible.


On Saturday afternoon my girl actually got to go UP en pointe for the first time. She said it hurt...and she loved it. Best. Day. Ever.


On Saturday night Hallie performed in her first Encore Gala. (Encore is her dance studio's ballet company, in its inaugural season.) At first she had zero interest in auditioning for this company, but at the 11th hour she changed her mind...and she's been so happy she decided to give it a go. It's hard to say what next year will bring - I don't know if she has the time nor do I think we have the money for her to participate in both this company and her Apprentice/AbunDance company - but I'm grateful we were able to participate this year. 


Happiness Highlights

Performing at a local nursing home. I LOVE these outreach events.

This would be an amazing photo...if it weren't the for
angry face on the television screen in the background. 😂
Apparently I was in the way of Reba the
Roomba...she took my photo and labeled me as an
obstacle when she moved through the living room. 😂

Chasing Rainbows...

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