Friday, March 4, 2016

High Five for Friday (3.4.16)

1. I can't even begin to express how much I enjoy the early(ier) sunrises Mother Nature gifts to us at this time of year! I despise Daylight Savings Time for a host of reasons, not the least of which is having to get up - and send my kids off to school - in complete darkness. (Last spring a car almost hit Hallie on the first morning of Daylight Savings Time because the driver couldn't see the crossing guard or the children.) But right now, when the sun rises before we have to do the same, the kids and I start our days on much more cheerful notes. Even Hallie!

2. On Saturday afternoon the four Ferri attended a friend's birthday party and then Hallie and I whipped across town for a baby shower held in honor of Hallie's very first dance teacher. What better way to spend a day than celebrating the people we love?!
Some of our mustached men.
Kara, Avery, and Hallie with Ms. Andrea. I can't believe these little girls
have been friends - and danced together - for more than half their lives!
3. Fuller House, anyone? The kids and I started watching the Netflix original show this week, and now all the three of us can think about is carving out a few free minutes each evening to watch another episode. I had no idea how badly I missed the Tanners and their cheesy humor...

4. After two weeks of work, my kitchen floor has achieved a level of cleanliness most often associated with operating room surgical tools. I had the tile and grout professionally cleaned…and then professionally cleaned a second time when I wasn't satisfied with the first pass. After those two cleanings, I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed - using a toothbrush and a variety of cleaning products - every crevice the larger-scale tools couldn't reach. Finally, I moved on to sealing my grout. Twice.

So now dinner is served…picnic-style, directly off the floor.

5. Happiness Highlights:
Our newest wall hanging - the prayer we say every
evening before dinner, stenciled onto rustically painted
boards - has found a home on the wall in our dining room. 
Related much? 2/3 of my heart, right here.
Watching The Food Network's Kids Baking Challenge seems to have
influenced the kind of artwork Hallie creates during her free time at school.
Can you spot Tux? His favorite spot to nap is on Hallie's clean laundry.

Happy Friday, friends!

Linking up with High Five for Friday here:

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