Friday, February 26, 2016

High Five for Friday (2.26.16)

1. My sweet High Five for Friday mascot, Cullen (he belongs to a wonderful friend of mine, and I've had the privilege of loving on him since his birth day), finally let me take a picture with him in his HF4F shirt! Notice his puckered lips and the spoon in my left hand…I bribed him with a bite of ice cream before the picture and another bite of ice cream immediately after the picture. Whatever works!

2. Last Friday, a group of friends and I took a day (just a few hours, really, given that we couldn't leave until we dropped our kids off at school and had to return home in time to pick them back up) trip to Kendra Scott and chocolate something or other in Houston. Oh, the beautiful jewelry! Oh, the delicious chocolate!

3. On Saturday night we attended a couples birthday party for a friend and most appropriately, this Wisconsinite took responsibility for the cheese. Rather than just bring my favorite cheeses in Tupperwares (classy, right?), I decided to go the more sophisticated route and build a cheese plate. Having never tackled this kind of appetizer before, I was pleased with my finished product!

4. The weather in our neck of the woods has felt anything but February-like recently. The temperatures have climbed high enough, in fact, that our lawn "woke up" from hibernation and started growing again. Tom and I spent part of Saturday mowing and weed-wacking, and then on Sunday Tom busted out his brand new (Christmas present) edger. The crisp, clean edges this lawn maintenance miracle left in its wake made us both giddy. It's kind of sad what gets us excited as a grown ups…

5. Happiness Highlights:
This was perhaps the best cake I've ever eaten, and that's
saying something given the amount of cake I consume.
(I had to brush my teeth and wash my face and hands
as soon as I got home so as not to expose Will to the
peanut butter, but it was completely worth it!)
What would a party be without my girls?!
Spring soccer started up a couple of weeks ago AND Will's
soccer pictures finally arrived - double the happiness!

Happy Friday, friends!

Linking up with High Five for Friday!


  1. I'm ready for some spring weather! We had some last weekend and it needs to come back. All the food you have posted has me drooling! xoxox Amanda

  2. We need to be friends; I love cheese & Kendra Scott and I live in Texas, too!! Your cheese plate looked great! Hope you have a great weekend!!
