Turns out everyone in College Station had made identical plans for the day; when we arrived, the line for the stuffed animal clinic stretched out of the building and across the parking lot, and the parents leaving the clinic estimated that they'd waited in line for at least 90 minutes. So we decided our stuffed animals were healthy enough to skip their once-in-a-lifetime trip to the doctor's office and instead headed off to see what else the open house had to offer.
And what else did the open house have to offer, you ask? This. ----->
If you've been reading Chasing Roots for a while, you know how I feel about snakes, lizards, ants, etc. If you haven't been reading Chasing Roots for a while, let me break it down for you. I. HATE. THEM. My husband knows this. My kids know this. (My dentist knows this. The Rock Prairie Elementary School crossing guard knows this. Even the woman who bags my groceries at Kroger knows this. My hatred for creepy, crawly, slimy, slithering, potentially poisonous critters is no secret.) Yet the "Large Snake Ahead" hallway and "Room Full of Snakes" were the two places the other three members of my family couldn't wait to visit.
If anyone from the Vet School is reading this, please allow me to share with you two suggestions for how you might improve your event next year:
- Large (cuddly and declawed) cat ahead.
- You're about to walk into a room full of adorable, fluffy, puppies.
Timidly at first... |
...and then with far too much confidence. |
"Well hello there, pretty girl." |
I thoroughly enjoyed the jousting, but while watching men try to knock each other off horses with fisted spears was great fun, it hardly made up for having to spend close to an hour at Disney World for Snake Lovers. Never again, I tell you. Never again.