Tuesday, November 22, 2022

"It's November" - the Finale Revisited

Last year was the 11th - and a surprise, as I didn't think Hallie would agree to participate - installment of this November tradition. Sadly, it also turned out to be the finale. 

It's funny...I think my girl had a harder time letting go than I did. 

I asked Hallie if she wanted to sing again, and after giving it a great deal of thought, she decided she was too old and no one would want to see/here her sing such a little kid song anymore. (Additionally, she didn't have any good ideas on how to top last year's production number.) I of course told her that whatever she wanted to do or not do was completely fine, but she struggled with her decision; she still doesn't want to grow up, and she hates giving up anything associated with her childhood.

Because I'd held space in my blogging schedule for this post, I've decided to go ahead with it even though it doesn't include a new version of the song. Let it serve as a reminder to cherish the "little" years. 

November 2011

November 2012

November 2013

November 2014

November 2015

November 2016

November 2017

November 2018

November 2019

November 2020

November 2021

Slow down, Father Time. 

I still can't watch the 2011 version of this video without tearing up. I miss that sweet, spicy, pleasantly precocious two-year-old… 

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