Friday, September 29, 2017

High Five for Friday (9.29.17)

1. We made it through - with flying, glow-in-the-dark colors - our fifth annual Boosterthon Fun Run fundraiser at the kids (now just Hallie's) elementary school. Holding such a large-scale fundraiser and implementing the accompanying character building program this early in the school year comes with a host of challenges, but we believe the benefits, not the least of which is the sense of community that grows out of working toward a common goal, outweigh those challenges. Here's to another rockin' run for our 'ranglers!
Four tired, sweaty, and PROUD third graders after
their run wrapped and the lights came back on. 
Our PTO Board, our fundraising chairs, and Boosterthon's Flyin' Bryan
and Aggie Andrew midway through the day. (Yes, they all have nicknames.)
We both collapsed in an exhausted but happy
heap on the living room floor when we got home.
Oh, and when you leave your phone with Boosterthon's Brandon the Brave, he leaves you a plethora of selfies and entertaining photos.

2. A week late, the kids and I finished watching America's Got Talent. I love that show for the talent, yes, but also because Will and Hallie enjoy it as much as I do and at this stage in the parenting game I truly appreciate any common ground between the three of us.

3. This week, if it could be consolidated into one day for ease of list-making, would be my 10th favorite day of the year.

4. I had my doubts about Will taking up the cello this year, but his career as a music maker has gotten off to a good start. I haven't heard any complaints about practicing and *I think* I can hear improvement!

5. I've felt a little sentimental this week (see: Wednesday's post), so these pics of Will and Hallie brought out all kinds of emotions when they popped up on my Facebook feed. These two will always be my Happiness Highlights.

Happy Friday, Chasing Roots!

Linking up with High Five for Friday here:

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