Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Design Star, Chasing Roots Edition (Poll)

"The journey is the destination." I try my best to keep that sentiment in mind throughout my day-to-day life. Whenever possible, I pause to appreciate the ordinary - my kids singing along (loudly, and somewhat off-key) to the Sound of Music soundtrack in the car on the way to gymnastics or the 45 minutes spent alone with my thoughts while cruising the aisles at the grocery store - instead of powering through the "everyday" in pursuit of the kids' bedtime, my bedtime, "wine-time", the weekend, or our next vacation.

There is one area of my life, however, in which I don't appreciate the journey: projects. Craft projects, gardening projects, landscape projects, home projects. I want to enjoy the process - thoughtfully creating the plan, gathering or shopping for materials, and carefully following the instructions though to the end - but the reality is that I just…don't. I love the finished products though, so I regularly pull out my glue gun, hedge trimmers, or painting supplies to tackle whatever smaller-scale projects need to be done around the house.

Luckily for me, my mom LOVES projects of all kinds. Over the years she's helped me remove wallpaper; paint walls, trim, and ceilings; remove carpet; lay tile; build pantry and laundry room shelving; replace light fixtures; clean and stain decks; and lay patio stones…and she's done it all with a smile on her face, which is saying a lot because while I always work hard (I actually enjoy the physical hard work part of the deal), I complain A LOT. 

My mom flies in to College Station for a little spring break vacation on Friday, and we plan to tackle at least one product during her five-day visit. We haven't nailed down the project with which we'll start, but right now a small task - painting my front door - tops the list. 

Because reddish-brown brick dominates the facade of our house, our reddish-brown wooden door blends in and can barely be seen from the street. I know that painting the door a brighter, contrasting color would allow it to stand out and greatly improve our curb appeal…I just can't choose a color. 

That's where you come in - help me choose my color!

Here's what the front door looks like, both from the street and up close, right now:
Could it look any drearier outside? I'm ready for blue skies, green grass, and
dry enough weather for me to beat back those bushes with the hedge trimmers!
I grumbled through making that St. Patrick's
Day wreath a couple of weeks ago.
And here are a few of the (poorly photoshopped) colors I'm considering:
Originally I wanted black, but now I think black would cause the
door to blend in to the front of the house even more so than it does now.
A deep red, found about halfway between candy apple red and maroon.
A deep, sunset orange.
A warm, mature yellow.
A medium to medium-dark green with a blue undertone.
I chose these colors because they make sense with the colors one sees immediately upon walking through the front door and into the living room. I would love a bright or midnight blue door, but going that route just doesn't make good design sense. Or at least I don't think it makes good design sense. I don't really have good design sense, which is why I'm asking you to help me make this decision.

So please, tell me what color you like best! Comment here or on Facebook, or send me a message here ( or on Facebook. Thanks for your help!


  1. Erin, I would say red; I have a brick home as well and my front door is red, and I think it really pops; I'd be happy to e-mail you a picture if you'd like to see it.

  2. I immediately thought bright blue. I think orange is my fave here. :)

  3. I was going to vote for blue, but I also like green as long as it doesn't clash with the grass. :)

  4. I vote green or red. Definitely not orange in this town. No matter the shade orange will never be a welcome color here. Foolishness, I know.
