We took care of our friends' kitty, Teaka (who used to be Bob, of Hallie's Hairstyle Babies) for the last week while her family was on vacation. It's important when kitty sitting to take lots of pictures to share with kitty's mom, dad, and siblings, and to check on the pool periodically to make sure everything looks and feels up to snuff. I think we did a pretty good job!
On the first day, Teaka didn't want to come out to see us. She usually lives with five humans and four dogs, so to be by herself all of a sudden was a difficult transition for her. |
The kids were so patient, and eventually convinced her it was safe to emerge from under the couch. |
Her favorite perch in the house. |
She doesn't like the blinds closed, so every night, after we close them, she choses a few to open. (She does this when her family is home too.) |
She knows she's not supposed to be on the counter... |
Teaka destroyed her ice cream cone, but Hallie - who is now a better seamstress than I am, thanks to pointe (sorry, Mom) - sewed it back together. |
I kept her plants alive and found this beauty! |
I'm also pretty proud of myself for managing to let us in and out every day without setting off the alarm system. We have a different kind of alarm system than they do, so I was very worried about having to disarm and arm it. Whew!
Funny story #1: On the first day, Will didn't realize they were out of town - he thought we were just there to hang out. He didn't say anything at first, but after I'd opened their garage, unlocked the door to the house, and turned off the alarm, he said something like, "so we're just like...going into their house like this now?"
Funny story #2: I was explaining to Will that we were only taking care of the cat because they had boarded their dogs, and Hallie asked, "you mean like on a boat?"
A few fun videos of combos from one of Hallie's dance intensives last week.
Hallie's been attending this intensive - led by one of her favorites, Ms. Darby - for quite a few years, so I thought it would be fun to share the older photos of them together. I think I'm missing a couple (and the intensive didn't happen in 2020), but the ones I have are cute!
From 4:30pm last Friday afternoon until 7:30am on Monday morning, we had nothing (other than taking care of Teaka) on the calendar. In general I don't mind being busy, and there's nothing I'd rather do than watch my kids participate in the activities they love, but an occasional completely free weekend feels like a gift.
We have a new foster! Late last week Adagio and Bourree left us, and in their place we now have an accurately-monikered, three-legged little darling named Popeye.
Popeye and Plié were NOT friends at first - Popeye tried to get to know her, but Plié had to work through her issues first - but now they love to play and wrestle together...to the point that we're having to separate them to protect Popeye's still healing incision.
Happiness Highlights
This is my nephew, Carter. He's supposed to be a baby, and yet here he is in his official competitive soccer team photo looking all old and handsome. |
She's feeling right at home these days. |
A terrible picture, but it captured them playing together at the swimming pool. I love that they'll still play together. |
We went to a movie! In a movie theater! For the first time in two years and four months! (The kids were with us but didn't want to be in our picture.) |
Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
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