Friday, January 21, 2022

High Five for Friday (1.21.22)



We had another COVID scare last week - this time it was Will, and thankfully it was negative. Long story short, he had a HORRIBLE reaction to his booster, which was odd, given that he had no reaction at all after doses one and two. We were SO careful throughout the last week of winter break (all things considered, we've been extremely careful since the beginning of the pandemic) so he would be healthy for his overnight soccer tournament, so we knew he wasn't sick before leaving on the trip. When he arrived home Saturday night, was boosted Sunday afternoon, and began to feel badly on Sunday night we hoped it was a reaction and not something he'd caught while traveling with his team, but we didn't know. He had a couple of really nasty days - with negative antigen and PCR tests - followed by a couple of slightly under the weather days, but he was able to get back to school in time to catch up on the week and still play in Friday night's district opener with the Lads.


I just didn't feel safe enough to attend Will's high school's winter musical (Will wasn't in it, but a few of his friends and kids of my friends were) in the middle of this pandemic surge knowing that while masks were suggested/encouraged, they weren't required. Hallie and I have gone to probably the last four or five annual musicals, and we heard this show was amazing, so it was a bummer to miss out...but we filled the void with movie watching, watercolor painting, crafting, and baking. (Look for the recipe for the cake we baked in January's Monthly Medley.)

The bracelets I made for Hallie...

...and the bracelets I made for Will. I'm not sure he'll ever wear
them, but I know he'll keep them - he's secretly a little sentimental. 


On Saturday afternoon I "attended" (virtually) the funeral of an acquaintance/friend who passed away unexpectedly and at far too young an age. She was one of the first people I met when we moved to Texas; her daughter and Will attended preschool together, and even when the kids graduated from preschool and moved on to different elementary, intermediate, and middle schools, and our paths continued to cross at various district and community events. I thought we might actually start running into each other again, now that her daughter and Will are freshman and have classes together in high school, but alas, that was not to be. 

I - and just about everyone who knew her, based on what I heard during the funeral - would describe her as one of the kindest and most generous, welcoming, and inclusive people I've ever met, and I'm so grateful for the way she folded us into her "crowd" and introduced us to her friends when we moved to College Station. I feel lucky to have known her, and she will be greatly missed. #liveandlovelikeMargo


Did anyone else really need the MLK Jr. Day holiday? We hadn't even finished two full weeks back at school (and Will only attended four days of school between the end of winter break and MLK Jr. Day because of his soccer tournament and then his booster reaction) but BOY OH BOY did we enjoy that extra sleep-in on Monday morning. After sleeping in, I went on about my day as if it were any Monday (exercise, laundry, work, groceries, shuttle kids to and from soccer and dance), but the morning was lovely.


These babes have truly changed during their time (6+ weeks) with us. In the beginning, they wouldn't leave the playroom and would hide - refusing to come anywhere near us - when we joined them in the playroom. Now they live in the whole house with us, where Bill is truly a member of the family and Molly tries her darnedest not to be a part of the fun. 

Helping me work.

Wishing she was somewhere else.

Trying to decide if she should run.

Breakfast kisses.

Checking out what all the fuss is about when
it comes to lounging in front of the fireplace.

Playing with Hallie.

Snuggling against her will. Sort of. (As long she's being scratched, 
she'll stay. If there's ever a gap in the scratches, she hits the road.)

Judging me while I drank my strawberry shake.

Waiting patiently for his taste.

I think I'm going to have some exciting news coming about these two, but I'm waiting to share until it's a done deal. 😉

Happy weekend, friends!

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