Tuesday, March 16, 2021

10 Things I Hate About You

Ok, ok. This post isn't actually a list of 10 things I hate about you, or anyone else for that matter. That would be a cruel and depressing read, and I don't think any of us need any more cruel and/or depressing content at after the year we've all had.

I did, however, want to post something fun, lighthearted, and easy to both write and read this week - spring break, St. Patrick's Day - and after giving it some thought, I landed on putting up a post about 10 things I hate that everyone else loves. Yes, lots of people shared these lists on social media months ago, and per usual, I'm a "day" late and a dollar short...and going for it anyway.

10 (Frivolous) Things I Hate that Everyone Else Loves
  1. Marshmallows. I can eat marshmallows in rice crispy treats, but not in anything else (including s'mores) and definitely not by themselves.
  2. Hot Chocolate. I enjoy chocolate desserts and even mochas, but I can't stomach hot chocolate.
  3. Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I couldn't stop drinking pumpkin cream cold brews, but pumpkin spice lattes make me gag.
  4. Tequila. I'm allergic to tequila. No really, I am.
  5. Baths. Every few months I try to like baths, and every few months I'm reminded of how stressful, uncomfortable, and pointless they are for me.
  6. Surprise Endings. Sometimes I read ahead in books, skip to the end of articles, and watch episodes out of order...and I never pass up a spoiler.
  7. Naps. I don't mind it when others nap, but for me I consider naps a waste of time and sign of weakness. (I don't want to hate naps, but I haven't yet been able to cure myself of this ailment.)
  8. Star Wars. They just don't speak to me the same way they speak to everyone else.
  9. The Bachelor. I just despise everything about this show.
  10. Selfies. I don't mind a selfie of a group (groupie?), taken to commemorate a gathering of friends and when there isn't an extra individual around to play photographer, but I'm not a fan of and don't myself take selfies.

Not to be forgotten, of course, is bonus #11: summer. But y'all knew that one already. 😉

Now for the giveaway! Comment here or on Facebook anywhere or anytime this post is shared (on my personal page or on Chasing Roots) with something you hate that everyone else loves. It can be something from my list if we have that dislike in common, or something completely different. This weekend I'll randomly choose one winner to receive a small gift of something I LOVE!

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