Remember last week when I threw up a high five for the end of basketball season? Turns out basketball season wasn't actually over, and the boys had another week of practice and a playoff game on Monday. They won their most exciting game of the year by one point in overtime. The last video below is of the final seconds and the celebration that ensued.
I hadn't planned for basketball season, but we were able fit practices and games into our schedule better than I expected. I hadn't planned to enjoy this new sport, but I LOVED watching Will play. In all likelihood Will has only one more year of school basketball left (where we live, high school soccer and basketball overlap, which means Will will have to choose between the two sports), but I'm thrilled he plans to continue with the sport next year!
The last two weekends these two girlies have sold snacks and lemonade - under the name Havery's (Hallie + Avery) Sweets and Treats - out in front of our house. They haven't made a lot of money, but what they have made, they've designated for charity.
After a day of dance for our girls, many of my fellow dance moms and I headed out for an evening of appetizers, drinks, and fellowship. The new wine bar - Primrose Path - we chose for our get-together was lovely, the company even nicer.
I wish I'd taken a group photo...
Every year on the 100th day of school I walk a block from my house to watch our elementary school's kindergarteners on their 100th Day Parade. I haven't had a kindergartener of my own in five years, but I love "attending" this event both to see the littles celebrating "100 Days Smarter" and the connection it fosters between the school and the neighborhood.
Happiness Highlights
Vegetable growing season has begun! Tom and Hallie planted and labeled 12 different pots of goodies to enjoy later this spring. |
This pic came across my radar this week...I love that she's so little and blond and pouty and covered in (unnecessary) bandaids. |
Mom came out on top of our annual Ferris Family Super Bowl competition! |
Happy weekend, friends!
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