Friday, November 2, 2018

November Resolutions: In Gratitude We Trust

My search on Creative Commons for a resolutions image
produced this "Resolution Chart". It made me laugh, so I
decided to include it - I hope it makes you laugh too. 
For the second year in a row, I started my New Year's Resolutions in September and with the intent to tackle one resolution each month, rather than following the more tradition route of kicking off on January 1st and attempting one or two resolutions over the course of the year. I gave "themed" resolutions a try during the first month, but after quickly learning that I need more flexibility than the category system could provide, I'm back to choosing resolutions as they come to me and according to what I feel I need to work on as a new month rolls around. On to month three!

November Resolution: write in my gratitude journal daily. Doing so has been my November resolution for the last few years, and because I love intentionally documenting one thing for which I am thankful every day between November 1st and Thanksgiving Day, I plan to keep the tradition alive.

October Resolution: use what I have, specifically beauty and skincare products, makeup, cleaning and household products, and food in my pantry and freezer. I had so many freebies, sample-sized "gifts with purchase", and full-sized products purchased at the recommendation of others, and because I wanted to start streamlining what I buy and use in each of these categories, I decided the time had come to "use it or lose it". How did it go? Incredibly well! I used up multiple lotions, shampoos, conditioners, body washes, makeup and perfume samples, and chapsticks. I also set aside a number of full-size products to sell online (anyone need a Monat Curl Cream, Lemongrass Spa Anti-Aging BB Creme in medium, or Pure Haven Essentials Tinted Moisturizer in beige?) or at a future garage sale, filled a bag of unopened samples to donate, and tossed the items that had reached the end of their lives. In November I plan to use up the last of the bath and body products I have on hand and also focus a bit more on eating what we have in our freezer and pantry.  

September Resolutions: sleep seven hours every night; play with my kids, husband, and friends; and manage my social media stress. How did it go? I did well at tallying seven hours of sleep a night - I think I only missed the mark three times, and none of these nights were because of simply staying up too late. Second, I did horribly at (officially) playing with my kids, husband, and friends because...I completely forgot about this resolution, which perfectly demonstrates why I can only have one resolution each month. I did play with the kids, go on a date with Tom, and go out for dinner and drinks with friends, but not once did any of these activities remind me that I had pledged to do more. And third, I did moderately well at managing social media stress. I unfollowed quite a few people and sources and sites that regularly made me feel worse rather than better, and I added a few to lift my spirits.

Did you resolve to change anything about yourself or your life this year? Last month? This coming month? How are those resolutions going?

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