My current book is taking me a LONG time to read, not because it's not good, but because the evenings have been getting away from me for the last month or so. This book is incredibly overdue at the library though, so I really need to finish it in early May so I'll stop accruing fines...
In addition to catching up on a quite a few of my regularly recorded cable shows, I started watching My Life with the Walter Boys. The show's target audience is females much younger than me, but I really like the actress - Sarah Rafferty from Suits - who plays the mom so I thought I'd give it a try...and now I'm intrigued enough to keep watching.
Hallie and I finished all 11 seasons of Modern Family and are now searching for what's next. We're thinking about How I Met Your Mother (which I've already watched once, but it was many years ago), but I'm not 100% sure it's what we're looking for...any other suggestions?
Listening To
Nothing new to report here - I'm still cruising through Swindled (though I'm now interspersing episodes of Swindled with episodes of my old favorite, Crime Junkie). Neither of my favorite non-crime podcasts (The Simplified Podcast and Young House Love has a Podcast) are producing new episodes right now, so I'm in search of something to fill that gap - send your suggestions my way!
My newest follow is Dr. Beach (@dr.beachgem10), a pediatric emergency doctor and mom of four based in Florida. She's smart and funny, and I desperately wish I'd have found her when my kids were a little younger - she posts so much great content about kids' health, wellness, and injury and illness prevention as well as interesting content on adult/general health, wellness, fitness, emergency preparedness (takes me back to my previous life as a Red Crosser), and parenting.
I shared these towels a few years ago, but Tom recently bought himself a second one and I was reminded of how well they work, hold up, and wash. They're perfect for the gym or showering in the locker room at school!
I finally gave up my manual balloon pump (I can't blow up balloons with my own lungs - more than one balloon and I end up with a motion sickness headache for hours) in favorite of an electric balloon pump. LIFE. CHANGING.
About a year ago my mom's air fryer was recalled. The manufacturer sent her a new one, but the new version was larger than her original and she didn't feel like she needed such a substantial appliance for just her and my dad. She generously gifted me the one she didn't want, and after months of being afraid of it (and my mom taking care of the unboxing and set up when she visited last), Hallie and I are loving what the air fryer can do. So far we've cooked chicken breasts and crescent rolls and tried our hand at homemade poptarts/hand pies and tortilla chips, all of which were delicious. We have the Cosori Pro Gen 2 5.8-Quart (CP168-AF) model and it's almost 30% off right now!
I'm wearing nothing new. Hallie, however, grew too tall for almost everything in her closet so we had to buy a few new dresses for our trip to Florida. (She needed four dressy outfits for the five shows they attended, and while she had two outfits that still fit, we needed two more options.) Because these are all women's dresses, I thought I'd share them here in case anyone is in the market for cute pieces to spruce up a spring or summer wardrobe!
This dress, while not the highest quality, is adorable on and can work as either a sundress or a swimsuit cover-up. Hallie chose royal blue and the color is gorgeous.
This dress feels a little "sturdier" than the previous one, and while the fabric has a tendency to wrinkle (I used wrinkle release spray while traveling and I think I would have done better to use an actual iron), the dress looks beautiful on otherwise. Hallie chose light blue.
This dress is the fanciest of those we kept (I feel like we tried on dresses at nearly every store in our area and eventually ended up ordering 724 from Amazon as well). Hallie chose green, and while the green in person doesn't quite match the green in the picture online, it's still a pretty shade. I like that it works with taupe/tan/camel-colored shoes for this time of year, and could then also work with silver, gold, or black shoes at Christmas time.
This dress would be perfect for a summer wedding. Hallie didn't end up taking this one to Florida, but we kept it because it was flouncy and fun and flattering and the light yellow is a lovely color on her.
This dress was her absolute favorite, and I have to agree that it was fabulous on her. We had to use body tape in a couple of areas, but that was a small price to pay for such a cute look.
The only "new" cooking I did this month were the recipes we tried in the air fryer. The chicken breasts were pretty straight forward - I marinated them in Olive Garden Italian salad dressing - and then followed the air fryer's instruction manual for chicken - and the crescent rolls were of course straight out of the package. This is basically the recipe Hallie used for the hand pies (though she didn't make hers heart-shaped) and this is the recipe we used for the tortilla chips - it's VERY basic, but we felt like we needed basic as we were starting to get the hang of this new appliance.
Feeling Good About
- Bestowing personhood on a saltwater lagoon just off the coast of southeast Spain will hopefully allow this fragile ecosystem to survive.
- This author is fighting the good fight against book bans by way of her bookstore, which emphasizes "challenged and banned books and titles by authors from marginalized groups." (You can shop the shop directly here.)
- This beekeeper was hailed a hero for saving the bees and the day before a MLB game, and now has his own official MLB trading card.
- Last but certainly not wouldn't be a "Feeling Good About" post if I didn't include a link to some kind of animal video or story. I hope you enjoy this cat-themed remake of a hit from my high school years. (I think it was my high school years - I can't remember the title of the original song so I can't look it up. :))
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