Friday, July 2, 2021

Flashback Friday for the 4th of July

Every year I struggle to craft my 4th of July post. I have trouble putting words together in a way that accurately and adequately expresses both my love for this country and my fear for its direction. I want to commemorate the adoption of our country's Declaration of Independence and celebrate our history, government, traditions, and freedoms. I also want - need - to show respect and support for those to whom freedom has not yet been granted. 

A few years ago, and after a great deal of searching, I realized that the best words to achieve these goals weren't actually mine. The best words to achieve these goals belong to Peter Marshall.

May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.  

These words, they ring true for me. When I talk to my kids about freedom, this is the message I will share.


On a lighter note and to end this post, I thought I would share five - ok, 14 - of my favorite flashback 4th of July pictures.

Happy 4th of July, friends!

If you're planning on playing with fireworks tonight, please read the fireworks safety link below. I wrote this post for the Red Cross a few years ago, but the information still rings true. Be safe! Fireworks 411, So You Don't Need 911.

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