Friday, November 22, 2019

High Five for Friday (11.22.19)

Today is my 41st birthday. My 41st year - so basically 2019 - didn't exactly live up to my expectations, but I have high hopes for my 42nd year and 2020. As I end one chapter and begin another, I am tremendously grateful to be (mostly) healthy and (mostly) happy, to have a roof over my head and food on my table, and for my family members and friends.

I love me some Board & Brush, both because it involves creating something beautiful with my own two (less than crafty and relatively impatient) hands and because it allows me to spend time with friends.

I also love holiday shopping events that bolster small businesses and support nonprofit organizations on a local level. This year I found lots of goodies for family members, friends, and teachers at one of my favorite events, the annual Jingle Bell Market...which is why I can only post pics of what I purchased for myself. 😉
 I needed a new keychain, and the beaded designs
from Four the Love of Wood really spoke to me. 
Nutcracker OBSESSED!

My girl, y'all. She's working so hard both physically and mentally to get back to 100% after a knee injury sidelined her from dance. Two physical therapy appointments each week, physical therapy and Yamuna exercises on her own once - sometimes twice - a day, ice and ibuprofen twice a day, sitting out at recess, and trying to memorize and practice her five Christmas dances while not actually dancing, or worse, watching from the sidelines. I'm so proud of her.
Rockin' her new pink camo knesiology tape.

Happiness Highlights
Sweet boy really wants to be a part of family game night, but he can
never fully relax with all the yelling and laughing going on around him.
Polichinelle hair! 😍
Tom and Hallie put up our outside Christmas lights last weekend!
A perfect Saturday morning...
When you get all of the 5th grade math problems
right...using your old school methods rather than
the new-fangled methods used by kids these days. 

Happy weekend, friends!

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