Friday, January 13, 2017

High Five for Friday (1.13.17)

1. On Tuesday Tom and I celebrated 13 years of marriage, 15 years as a couple, and 17.5 years of friendship with a day date: lunch at Salata and a bit of shopping at Hobby Lobby, Tom's new favorite store. We went on a formal date - to dinner at Paolo's and to see Passengers in the theater - last Friday night, and while we had a delightful evening, I had just as much fun grabbing a salad and shopping for paintbrushes, bandana napkins, and eucalyptus sprigs with Tom. I suppose that's what we all want in a life partner...someone who makes salad feel like a date, and with whom you can hold hands as you laugh your way through the Texas decor aisle at Hobby Lobby.

2. Last weekend, on what was the and will probably retain the title of coldest day of the year, we decided to revamp our back porch. Tom has started using the patio table as his light suit work station, and his supplies and tools - along with the hot tub equipment, toys, and towels - had begun taking over our outdoor space. One trip to Home Depot, a few hours in the cold assembling a gigantic "toy box", and a massive clean-out later, we had our porch back, complete with an outdoor football viewing area!

We have a little more work to do on the opposite side, but the space looks vastly improved!

3. On a related note, Tom gave me a leaf blower for Christmas. Yes, I wanted one, as I knew it would allow me to more quickly clean up/corral the thousands of leaves, buds, and clusters of pollen that accumulate daily on our back patio. Turns out Hallie wanted a leaf blower too...

My leaf blowing days were over about 40 minutes after they started.

4. My Packers survived their first playoff game! (Unfortunately wide receiver Jordy Nelson - one of quarterback Aaron Rodgers' favorite targets - didn't fare as well...he's out for the season with a broken rib, collapsed lung, and lacerated spleen.) Bring it on, Dallas Cowboys!

5. Happiness Highlights:
Every morning this little buddy waits for me in front of the
fireplace. He's heartbroken when I won't turn it on - Mother
Nature has forgotten that it's winter - but when he realizes
he won't get a fire, he snuggles with me instead.
I love that we fill - overflowing to the point that Will
and Hallie have to jump around in it to compress the
contents - our recycling bin rather than our trash can. 
The kids are getting back in shape - Will for soccer and
Hallie for...chasing her brother - with daily jogs around the
block. I love it when she takes the lead, especially when she
does it wearing a sparking, sequined fancy dress and tights.
Hallie made Tom this "keyter" shirt. It's
probably our favorite art project of hers EVER.
Apparently I like to "coke" for fun. Yikes.
This boy...I am so proud of his confidence.
Will got a new, high quality chess board for Christmas and it
now lives on our coffee table. We can play chess ALLLLL the time.
"Family birthday" (anniversary) coconut cupcakes!
Last but not least, over the weekend we found Will's doppleganger.

Happy Friday, Chasing Roots!

Linking up with High Five for Friday here:

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