I thought you might be interested to see the temperature records broken in Bryan-College Station this summer. (This information comes from the Bryan-College Station Eagle, which pulled their information from the National Weather Service.)
- Four days of record-setting high temperatures, the highest of which was 104 degrees. (In JUNE, people.)
- Three days of minimum temperature record-setting highs, the highest of which was 81 degrees. (That means that even in the middle of the night, I'm still cooling my house 10 degrees.)
- Temperatures reached triple digits 10 days of the month.
- One day of record-setting high temperatures.
- Three days of minimum temperature record-setting highs.
- Temperatures reached triple digits 18 days of the month.
- Average daily maximum temperature was 99.9 degrees.
- Daily high temperature was 101 degrees or above EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. except for on the 25th, when the temperature only rose to a cool 96 degrees. (Information courtesy of the BCS Eagle; all caps, extra punctuation, and adjectives courtesy of me.)
- Monthly record high temperatures were set at 109 degrees on the 27th and 28th.
- Six days of record-setting high temperatures.
- Seven days of minimum temperatures record-setting highs.
- Average daily maximum temperature was 103.8 degrees.
Texas is now the U.S. record-setter for the hottest average temperature for June through August.
If you listen carefully, you can probably hear me (in my best Wicked Witch of the West voice) crying, "I'm melting, I'm melting!"
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