Friday, October 25, 2024

High Five for Friday (10.25.24)



Last Friday night Hallie and I went to the varsity volleyball crosstown rivalry game. A year ago, my girl didn't know ANYTHING about ANY sports (nor would she ever have attended a school sporting event), but she's been trying really hard both to learn how different sports work and to show up for her brother (soccer), school friends (volleyball and dance team), and school in general (football and senior/spirit night). It was the absolute best, however, when she asked me - at the beginning of the volleyball game - how she would know when they scored a touchdown... (Don't tell her I told you that. πŸ˜‰) We spent the first game learning about volleyball, and by the end of the match - which we won, by the way - she understood volleyball well enough to both cheer at the right times and question the referee's calls. πŸ˜‚


Hallie and I also went to Senior/Spirit Night, which was fun and a new experience for me. The flaming ACM and the fireworks show were particularly impressive! (No, my senior didn't attend. This event recognized all of the seniors in fall sports, band, cheer, and dance. Athletes in winter and spring sports are recognized in the spring, so Will skipped this event and went to soccer photos and practice instead.)


And then Hallie and I also took a field trip to the pumpkin patch. (She and I have been busy.) It wasn't 90 degrees outside that day, so it felt like the right time to do fall things and pretend we live in a place that actually experiences the fall season.


It wouldn't be an orchestra concert night if we didn't end the evening with dinner at IHOP! It's one of my favorite traditions.


Happiness Highlights

My sister and her class were on the front page of their newspaper!

My sister and BIL dressed up as each other for a Halloween
party. Minus the height difference, they pretty much nailed it.

PliΓ© is getting sweeter by the day. We're not sure what's
going on with her, but we're certainly not complaining about it.

New soap day is my favorite day. And
that's how you know you're old, my friends.

This picture of Kara preparing for Swan Lake is incredible.

Just restocking the emergency car ketchup, as one does.

We came home and found him casually lounging among
(and on top of) the freshly rinsed and drying blueberries.

If you zoom in, you can just barely see one blueberry
between his paws and one by his sweet little tummy.

A little voting humor. πŸ˜‚

Happy weekend, friends!

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